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News Stories

Professor Jeremy Telman's Article, A Truism that Isn't True: The Tenth Amendment and Executive War Power, 51 Cath. U. L. Rev. 135 (2001) was cited by the Third Circuit in U.S. v. Bond, 2012 WL 1548057 (May 3, 2012), a criminal case presenting a challenge based on the Tenth Amendment to Congress's power to pass the Chemical Weapons Convention Implementation Act.

Professor Bernard Trujillo's recent book, Immigration Law and the US-Mexico Border (Arizona U. Press, 2011; co-authored with Kevin R. Johnson, UC Davis), has been named a finalist for the International Latino Book Awards. The book introduces readers to U.S. immigration regulation, focusing on migration from Mexico.

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June 28
5:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Meijer Gardens, Grand Rapids, MI 49525

Grand Rapids Area Alumni Event

Law School Commencement
Ms. Roberta Lang, General Counsel and Global Vice President of Legal Affairs for Whole Foods Market, Inc., was the speaker at Valparaiso University Law School ceremony honoring graduates on Saturday, May 19.

Ms. Lang is also a dedicated member of the Law School and University community, serving as Secretary of the Law School National Council and frequent speaker and advisor to our students on career-related matters. ... Read More

Admissions Application Process Overview
As the 2011-2012 application deadline approaches on June 1, the Office of Admissions has started to work with prospective applicants for the 2012-2013 admissions cycle. We'd like to share with you the 2013 application requirements and process overview. We encourage you to share this information with family, friends, or acquaintances that have interest in applying to Valparaiso Law or law school in general. ... Read More