Language Tutoring
With practice, everyone can make progress. Practice your language with a tutor at LINC! At LINC, we call our tutors “Language Partners.” They will guide you as you practice your language. Tutoring sessions are 30 minutes long and are private, one-on-one. You can make 2 consecutive appointments for a longer session on a single day.
LINC Tutors
Spring 2025
English Practice
Elephant Talk – English conversation just for fun
Elephant Talk is an opportunity for language learners to connect through English conversation and cultural exchange. Sign up if you would like to participate in this informal and fun exchange.
- This is not a class! Elephant Talk is a way for English language learners and native speakers to connect for English conversation and cultural exchange. Partners volunteer to participate.
- Partners can sign up at any time during the semester and will be paired by the LRC on a first-come, first-served basis. Please allow 1 week for a response from the LRC.
- Availability of partners will depend on the number of students who sign up.
- Students whose first language is English – Please sign up here too!
VUE Conversation Partners
If you are taking VUE, talk with your professor to learn about opportunities for fulfilling part of a VUE courses component through guided English conversation practice.
More about Language Partners
There is no charge to use the tutoring services. Language Partners have a set schedule, are available for drop-in or by-appointment sessions, and can meet students desiring a one-time session or sessions on a weekly basis. Students needing any level of support should first speak with their professor and then contact the Language Partner directly. Language Partners support students of all abilities, primarily at the 1st and 2nd year level. Depending on student needs and Language Partner availability, a student may be referred to the Academic Success Center after reviewing the student’s class schedule and/or need for supplemental tutoring beyond what the Language Partner can provide.
Language Partners are among the very top student majors or minors within their language (or native speakers) and have been hand-selected by their professors. Students meet with a Language Partner to work on whatever area the student wants to focus on during the session — from the first semester student who needs help with basic pronunciation principles to the intermediate student who wants to review the subjunctive or go over the finishing touches on a paper. Language Partners also love to talk in their target language! Advanced students are encouraged to meet up with a Language Partner as a peer and fellow language major to simply chat about weekend plans or exchange study abroad stories.