Podcast Parlor

New for Faculty & Staff

This fall, the Language and Intercultural Learning Center hosts a new opportunity for Valpo faculty and staff. Podcast Parlor is an occasional group for faculty and staff interested in discussing language matters and intercultural perspectives. The group meets five times this semester, each time on a Thursday, 12:00 – 1:15 pm. See below for dates and episode links. If you want to receive a reminder message about upcoming discussions, please contact Carol Goss at carol.goss@valpo.edu.

  • Listen to a pre-selected podcast episode on an intercultural or language-focused topic.
  • Participate in an informal discussion about that episode.
  • Come to one discussion or all five, depending on your availability and interest in the episode topic.
  • Arrive late or leave early – whatever your work schedule allows. Feel free to bring your lunch.
  • Questions? Contact

Episode Discussion Schedule

Thursdays, 12:00 – 1:15 pm (ASB 240)

Sept 26: Eurovision Part 1 / Optional – Part 2 (from The Allusionist)
Historian Dean Vuletic, author of Postwar Europe and the Eurovision Song Contest, discusses the long history of Eurovision, the multilingual, multinational television show that has been running for nearly seven decades. Vuletic recounts the many linguistic controversies that have plagued Eurovision over the years and explores how this international televised event is much more than just a song contest. It is, in fact, an illustration of the complications that arise when language, politics, and popular culture intersect, and often clash.

Oct 17
Episode posted here by Oct 11

Oct 31
Episode posted here by Oct 25

Nov 21
Episode posted here by Nov 15


Sept 12: The Beauty and Entitlement of Traveling as a Tourist (from Code Switch)
In her book Airplane Mode, an Irreverent History of Travel, Shahnaz Habib discusses “passport privilege.” How does our view and lived experience of travel impact our perception of who the world belongs to, and our expectations of how we, and others, move throughout the world?