Arts and Sciences Building Facade

Intercultural Learning

The Language and Intercultural Learning Center facilitates and promotes intercultural learning — on campus, off campus, and online — to help students, faculty, and staff develop intercultural competence. If you are curious about intercultural learning, or are already committed to developing your intercultural competence, we invite you to explore!

Opportunities & Resources

Students Check out opportunities for intercultural learning that you can pursue at LINC, including language groups, programming, and fun and engaging activities for reflection.

Valpo University Students

Faculty & Staff Discover LINC opportunities and explore intercultural learning, as well as professional development resources. If you have completed the IDI, considering joining a short-term group as you begin your IDI Plan.

Extend Your Learning

Caste Book cover

Films, Books, & Podcasts LINC offers suggestions for exploring intercultural topics on your own through books, films, podcasts, and more.

Valpo University Students

Get Involved Locally Practice intercultural engagement beyond campus. Get involved with organizations and other opportunities at the local and regional level.