
Xiaoqing Wang

Xiaoqing Wang

Xiaoqing Wang University English teacher in Xi’an, China Graduated: May 2016
Degree: M.A., TESOL

Best memories from your Valpo days:  

The best memory in Valpo to me is the diverse cultural campus setting. First, compared to the traditional Chinese cultural background, I experienced the constant interactions with English professors. Second, under the same classroom roof, I enjoyed the diversity of cultures from different countries, including Arabic, South Korean, American, Canadian and Chinese.

The best point learned from the diversities is to have an open sight and mind to see the differences between the foreign cultures and mother-tongue culture. Beyond only knowledge learning, the developing awareness of diverse cultures deepened my experience of studying at Valparaiso University.

Career path since Valpo:  

After I came back to China in 2017, I held a university English teaching position at the International Cooperation and Exchange College, Xi’an International University, Shaanxi Province, from August 2018 until December 2023. Now, I work as an English teacher in the Australian Education Management Group, which serves global educational cooperation with about 20 universities in China and about 20 universities around the globe. I am in the Xi’an Architecture and Technology University branch and teach Year 1 and Year 2 students who are majoring in Construction Management, Building Electricity Intelligence, Computer Science and Technology, etc. in the 2+2 Program.