Nandin-Erdene Munkhbat

Nandin-Erdene Munkhbat
Executive Secretary to the CEO of Golomt Bank of Mongolia
Graduated: May 2015
Degree: B.A., Economics
Best memories from your Valpo days:
My good days in Valpo started in the summer of 2010 when I first visited Valpo for the summer program as a high school kid. Professor Alan Bloom, our dear, beloved Professor, who at the time taught us the summer classes, gave me the biggest drive, hope, passion, and enthusiasm to be part of Valpo as a college student. He was the first person to believe in me and who saw a light in me that I haven’t even seen myself yet. Every time I think of Valpo, I think of him, as he was the biggest part of my journey at Valpo. I can’t help but to mention about this great person, who although left us still so young in his age, has helped a lot of people pave their ways in a right direction in their lives.
Valpo was definitely a home away from home. The four years of my life that I spent at Valpo were a roller coaster full of adventures (Cultural Nights, World Banquet, VISA, Student Senate, Honor Societies, Peer Advising, Tutoring, Chapel) lessons of life, lifelong friendships, (Sammy Athawale, David Rojas Martinez, Noah Simon Finegan, Timur Ali, Levi Charles Mock, Chinny Emeka, Ali Alanazi, Yanna Zanger, Vanessa Inder, Natalia McNab and many more friends!) amazing sisterhood, (Ljubica Salamic, Zanele Kutamo, Mohini Sharma, Sri Frazee), crazy night outs, (Franklin’s, Duffy’s) lots and lots of bonding and more bonding!