Julian Fischer

Julian Fischer
Chief of Staff at Hasso Plattner Foundation
Graduated: Exchange Student from Germany 2014-15
Degree: Business
Best memories from your Valpo days:
I always enjoyed the close friendships which were forged during that time (and that I still have to this day), thanks to the relatively small size in student population. Meeting other students and making new friends was super easy! The other incredibly positive experience I had at Valpo was joining Greek life. I rushed and joined Sigma Chi in the spring semester and it was the best decision I made during my exchange. Joining a Greek organizing was a truly life changing experience and I am fortunate to be part of this network of incredible men to this day. I even flew back to the United States to be a groomsman in my fraternity big brother’s wedding!
How Valpo prepared you for your career path:
International experiences are an essential prerequisite for a successful career in business in today’s global work environment. I am truly grateful to have been able to interact with so many different nationalities at Valpo, both within the classroom as well as in extracurricular events organized by the international office, to sharpen my understanding for cultural differences and improving my cross-cultural awareness.