Vamsi Manthena

Vamsi Manthena Information Security – Philadelphia Graduated: Spring 2016 Degree: M.S. Cyber Security
Best memories from my Valpo days:
I have multiple favorite memories during my stay in Valpo. There are several stories that I share with people and the discussion about events in school goes for hours. Valpo international and multicultural department have several initiatives that welcomes all international students and celebrates their cultural and religious events throughout the year. These events are my favorite as we get to know and interact with multiple cultures. I will carry these memories for rest of my life.
How studying at Valpo prepared me:
Valpo understands the challenges that international students face, these challenges were addressed through various academic programs. Academic programs were designed with a combination of subjects that helps students to excel in their major as well as develop skills that helps to land in their dream job.