History Class

Internship & Independent Study Opportunities in the University Archives

In line with Valpo’s initiative to promote internship opportunities at the University, the History Department is currently working with the Valparaiso University Archives and Special Collections (VUASC) to provide internship opportunities to history students who wish to conduct projects that explore subjects that promote awareness of Valparaiso University’s placement with the larger history of the State of Indiana.  Students who participate in HIST 386/590 conduct original research using items located in the VUASC.  Under the supervision of Professor Ostoyich, students complete substantial research papers and present their findings publicly on campus.  Students also produce a custom-made book based on their project that will be kept within the VUASC’s holdings, as well as plan exhibits to be displayed with the Christopher Center for Library and Information Resources.

The Valparaiso University Archives and Special Collections Department acts as the official repository for the University  by collecting, organizing, preserving, and providing access to historical university records and supports the Christopher Center for Library and Information Resources’ mission by providing access to and discovery of special collections to students, faculty, staff, scholars, patrons from other institutions, and the community in general.  Several of the following projects would intensify the University’s knowledge of its own history, as well as how it fits into the greater landscape of the City of Valparaiso and the State of Indiana.  Other projects would greatly enhance the understanding of what resources are available at the VUASC for both the University and the Community at large.

With the help of an IN_Advance grant, five students are currently enrolled in HIST 386/590 for the Spring 2018 semester, and are pursuing the following projects:

– The history of fraternity life at the University;

– The history of the Friends of Art; a group that began the collection of art on campus;

– Creating an inventory of all stained glass panels on campus;

– The history of the relationship between Supreme Court justices and Valparaiso University Law School; and

– The architectural history of former dorms on the Valparaiso University campus.

Students interested in taking advantage of this opportunity during the Fall 2018 semester should contact Professor Ostoyich (kevin.ostoyich@valpo.edu).