History Class

History Resources

History Matters: The Survey U.S. History Course on the Web

A resource designed for teachers of U.S. history that contains primary source documents, tips for history teachers, historical links that are great resources, and much more.

Women and Social Movements in the U.S.

Using more than 1050 documents, 400 links to outside sources, and 400 images, this site provides an extremely in-depth look at Women and Social Movements in the U.S. It tries to give students, teachers, and researchers a new way of studying these important topics in American History.

Picturing the Century: One Hundred Years of Photography from the National Archives

Based on an exhibition of photographs at the National Archives that runs through July of this year, “Picturing the Century” is an appealing online exhibit of historically significant photographs from both well-known and amateur photographers. The gallery features 70 photographs under the headings A New Century, The Great War and the New Era, The Great Depression and the New Deal, A World in Flames (World War II), Postwar America, and Century’s End. Many of the images here are affectingly representative of their times, including the first Wright brothers flight at Kitty Hawk, immigrants arriving at Ellis Island, Lyndon Johnson meeting with Martin Luther King Jr., flower children placing daisies into the rifles of U.S. soldiers, and Nixon’s post-resignation departure from the White House. A portfolio section contains another several dozen images taken from the works of Walter Lubken, Lewis Hine, George Ackerman, Dorthea Lange, Ansel Adams, Charles Fenno Jacobs, and Danny Lyon. The photographs are offered in expandable thumbnails with context and photographer information (if known) provided. Best of all, the images are available for immediate printout.

Smithsonian Institute

The American Smithsonian Institute is as an independent trust instrumentality of the United States holding more than 140 million artifacts and specimens in its trust for “the increase and diffusion of knowledge”. With more than 16 museums and galleries, the Institute does much for the preservation of American (and world) history.

American Memory: Library of Congress

The Library of Congress is dedicated to making its resources available and useful to Congress and the American people. And in order to accomplish this it now has a full-text online version of all of the predecessors to the Congressional Record (House Journal, Senate Journal and Senate Executive Journal, Annals of Congress, Register of Debates, & The Congressional Globe) up to 1873 (1st through  42nd Congresses) as well as full text of the Statutes at Large up to 1873 (1st through 42nd Congresses).  The site also offers documents on the Continental Congress and constitutional debates (1774-1789) in the Journals of the Continental Congress, Farrand’s Records of the Federal Convention of 1787 and The Debates in the Several State Conventions on the Adoption of the Federal Constitution (Elliot’s Debates), as well as selected documents from the U.S. Serial Set. Click on the logo above to access the official site.

A Literary History of the American West

Sponsored by the Western Literature Association, Texas Christian University Press posts the complete text of “A Literary History of the American West”– a 1,300+-page compendium of scholarly articles on the literature of the American West and Midwest. The volume is divided into three sections discussing the encounter with the frontier, the settlement of the West, and the “re-discovery” of the West in terms of its ethnic peoples and identifications.

Internet Medieval Sourcebook

Search engine provided by Georgetown University for various topics in Medieval history. Provides a way to search for specific materials and if applicable from specific centuries.

Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index

Feminae provides an index of articles, books, and other works that deal with gender and sexuality in the Middle Ages. It is organized by an index that does provide alternate options if the word selected does not contain any information.

The Online Reference Book for Medieval Studies

The ORB contains an encyclopedia, reference section with primary and secondary sources, textbook library, teaching resources, links for other sites that provide valuable resources, and a helpful guide to Medieval studies.

NetSerf: The Internet Connection for Medieval Resources

Search engine that is designed very similarly to Yahoo! but is designed for research into Medieval History. It includes important news in the area of Medieval Studies.

Irish Penal Laws

Information about the laws that began in 1691 and carried into the 19th Century that tried to suppress popery in Ireland. The division of Catholic and Protestant was a major issue for the native people of Ireland and the colonial leaders that lived there.

EuroDocs: Primary Historical Documents from Western Europe

Run by Brigham Young University the site provides primary source documents from each of the countries in Western Europe (they are listed alphabetically on the first page). For the most part the documents are kept in chronological order and are online for the purpose of research or historical/social understanding.


Britannia offers information on British Monarchs, Church History, Famous Britons, British History (Early Kingdoms, Prehistoric, Roman, Anglo Saxon, Medieval, Reformation & Restoration, Age of Empire, and Modern), the Magna Carta, Regional History , and much more. There are also images, maps, and other resources that can be easily browsed.

The Victorian Dictionary

A guide to the social history of Victorian London including information about common words and slang, food, religion, and many other important parts of Victorian life. Information about helpful books is also provided.


Focuses on the Highland Clearances and the consequences of. Includes stories to help people form their own beliefs about the Clearances. There is also information about Scotland’s history and other various topics. There are searches in order to look for specific articles, parishes, and much more. The also have a list of good resources for people who are researching Scotland.

Royal Historical Society Bibliography

They have compiled a site in which it is possible to research more than 300,000 articles for doing any research about British and Irish history.

The Story of Africa – BBC

Subtitled African History from the Dawn of Time, this extensive and well-designed Website boasts more than 120,000 words, more than 120 images, and more than 40 audio files about Africa. Its 14 sections cover the topics of Africa’s early history, the Nile Valley, West African kingdoms, the Swahili, traditional religions, Islam, Christianity, slavery, Central African kingdoms, Africa and Europe (1800–1914), Southern Africa, history between the two World Wars, and Independence. In addition to text and supplemental images, each section offers a timeline, a bibliography of further reading, and a list of annotated links. A forum for featuring visitor’s comments, criticisms, and suggestions will also shortly be launched. This is certainly a website to spend some time on and could serve as a fine basis for junior and high school curriculum on the continent.

History Today

History Today is a monthly historical magazine that provides information about a vast range of history. The articles that are published are written by leading historians and try to show history in a different light.

Ford Foundation Fellowships for Minorities

Approximately 60 pre doctoral, 40 dissertation, and 30 postdoctoral fellowships sponsored by the Ford Foundation and administered by the National Research Council.

Gates Millennium Scholars

The future of our nation’s economy, democracy, and quality of life is dependent upon the preparation of a diverse cadre of leaders who will help build a stronger society. These potential leaders, especially those from groups that have traditionally and historically been denied or discouraged, must receive the support needed to travel the pathway to the opportunity of attending and completing a college education.

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