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Academic Policies

Graduate students and graduate-level coursework fall under the purview of the Graduate Catalog.

As such, unique academic requirements apply to graduate students at Valparaiso University.

The Graduate Catalog specifies rules for satisfactory academic progress, honor codes and honorable work, and Student Academic Fair Practices.

Graduate students must maintain a 3.00 grade point average during their studies at Valparaiso University.  A student whose cumulative grade point average falls below 3.00 will be dismissed from graduate studies if a 3.00 grade point average is not re-established within a one semester time-frame after receiving notification from their program’s academic college.

A student who receives a grade of C+ or lower in a second course is placed on academic probation and receives an official notice from their program’s academic college. The student must replace one of these grades within one academic year or will be dropped from the program. Receipt of a third grade of C+ or lower will result in dismissal from their graduate program.

Additional academic policies information may be found in the Graduate Catalog, which is available online.

The student-initiated and administered Honor System is a strong distinguishing characteristic of Valparaiso University. In sanctioning the Honor System, the university assumes that students are able and willing to accept the rights and responsibilities of honorable conduct both as a matter of personal integrity and as a commitment to the values to which the university community commits itself.

It is the responsibility of instructors to define what constitutes authorized and unauthorized aid in their courses. It is the responsibility of students to honor such definitions and to inquire for additional clarification if and when questions arise about possible violations of the Honor Code.

Actions that would be considered violations of the Honor Code include:

  1. Misrepresentation
  2. Using unauthorized materials during examinations
  3. Failing to observe examination time limits
  4. Plagiarism
  5. Willful obstruction of the educational process for others

Additional Honor Code policy information may be found in the Graduate Catalog, which is available online.

Students are responsible for learning and demonstrating an understanding of the content and skills of any course of study in which they enroll. Furthermore, students are free to express careful and reasoned criticism of data and opinion offered in any such course.

Students are entitled to objective, professional evaluation of their academic work and professional development. Students are also entitled to fair, equitable treatment in the course of their academic relationships with members of the faculty. Members of the Valparaiso University faculty observe these criteria as part of their professional responsibilities. Misunderstandings have been, and are to be, resolved informally, in discussion between students and professors, and this manner of resolving problems and concerns continues to be deemed appropriate in this academic community.

In order to assure that students are accorded courteous, fair and reasonable treatment by members of the faculty, the statements of principles, students’ rights and responsibilities are described in the Graduate Catalog, which is available online.