C1 to C20 ( Spring 1968 – Fall 1977)
- Aufderkampe, Richard
- Barton, Fredrick
- Belanger, Allen
- Buntrock, Jane
- Davis, Laurie
- Erikson, Sandra
- Evans, Edith
- Geason, Ronald
- Heinecke Lehmann, C
- Hosack, Glen
- Lager, David
- Meier, Karen
- Metheny, Mary
- Nelson, Sondra
- Rathert, Kenneth
- Schlueter, Karen
- Scholl, Melvin
- Siedentop, Lenor
- Stalter Mahle, Sylvia
- Waldschmidt, David
- Albrecht, Lawrence
- Alderman, Pamela
- Alter, Karen
- Coiner, Constance
- Erickson, Aimee
- Hartman, Janet
- Huber, Susan
- Kremer, Barbara
- MacDonald, John
- Manning, Peter
- Maulis, Joan
- Meyer, Madeline
- North, Frank
- Ohlemiller, Marcia
- Peters, Leslie
- Rogers, Douglas
- Schmidt, Barbara
- Schwandt, Thomas
- Wilkinson, Gary
- Zensinger, Lawrence
- Bangert, David
- Baran, DIane
- Carino, Katharine
- Elseroad, David
- Golden, Belinda
- Hansen, Ellen
- Holzapfel, Dorin
- Jamnik, James
- Knudson, Gregory
- Lackman, Marc
- Leindecker, Linda
- Longanbach, Jan
- Miller, Rosalie
- Mowrey, Christine
- Rosebrough, Dennis
- Rowland, Katherine
- Sandel, David
- Schimerer, Julia
- Stueben, Patricia
- Swanson, Susan
- Troxell, David
- Weiss, Kenneth
- Beagle, Susan
- Bremer, Mark
- Burgman, Dierdre
- Dewitt Bricker, Debra
- Drott, Martin
- Eshman, Karen Pflug
- Gerhardt, Karen
- Hudson, Christine
- Junker, Joel
- Koenker, Deborah
- Lavake, Steven
- Lee, Ronald
- Piehl, Charles
- Piehl, Kathleen Kracke
- Ressmeyer, Faith
- Rueckwald, Paul
- Saake, Alan
- Santogade-Lyons, Connie
- Severino, Carol
- Tyler, Paul
- Weiss, Martin
- Blevins, LeeAnn
- Bruch, Linda
- Bruch, Thomas
- Erber, Robert
- Esala, Philip
- Fields, Laurel
- Govan, Sandra
- Ingebritson, Frances
- Laws, Dorothy
- Lindahl, Eric
- Michael, Joel
- Mobley, Harold
- Mueller, Wade
- Purdy, Roger
- Rodgers, John
- Stager, Ilse
- Ullman, David
- Wagner, Linda
- Waldschmidt, Betty
- Wee, Ann
- Zeile, Ann
- Albrecht, Joann
- Beck, Carl
- Busch, Lawrence
- Chillis, Mari
- Deck, Gregory
- Hoffman, Beverly
- Hussmann, Bill
- Jutzi, Karla
- Kneser, Christine
- Kraegel, Clare
- Krueger, Mark
- Lieneck, Nancy
- McCarthy, Roberta
- Powers, Walter
- Reppenhagen, Richard
- Schepens, Robert
- Schonscheck, Jonathan
- Snelling, Phillip
- Thiem, Rebecca
- Tuck, Peggy
- Wehrenberg, Frederick
- Weinhold, David
- Acheson, William
- Busse, Richard
- Gunderson, Gary
- Hitchcock, Patricia
- Hudson, Charles
- Jurmu, Kathy
- Kruse, Donald
– Greetings, Unable to attend the 50 year abroad programs.
I was studying in Cambridge the Spring of 1971 and Dr. Ken Klein was our professor. The men stayed at 55 Windsor Rd. and the ladies at 26 Huntington. Our classes were held at the Seminary next door and our favorite pub was the Sir Isaac Newton! I learned Pub dart board games but was never able to beat one of the old locals! We enjoyed Darts, the slot machine, Pints and fellowship. Other delightful memories: punting on the Cam, Kings College Choir, bike riding in Cambridge, train trips to London, renting a van and driving to Loc Ness Scotland, Stonehenge, Easter week in Europe (3 guys in a VW bug; skiing in Zermatt; Rome; Easter in Florence, Italy; pub crawls in Cambridge; and wonderful fellowship!! We encouraged our 2 daughters to study in Cambridge also. Our daughters, Laura in 2001 and Ann in 2004, also enjoyed the overseas study program in Cambridge and we were able to visit them as well.Great Memories!Cheers, Don Kruse (Class of 1972)
- Larloski, Kathryn
- Leaton, Thomas
- Lippert, Gregory
- Meyer, Daniel
- Miller, Timothy
- Mueller, Marilyn
- Ralls, Janice
- Reimer, Kathy
- Rettig, Marcia
- Schade, Patrica
- Smiley, John
- Smith, Rhonda
- Strietelmeier, J David
- Tribbett, Judith
- Vollmann, Robert
- Von Fange, Elaine
- Alvarado, Jacquelina
- Bonser, Becky
- Borsse, Pamela
- Capelle, Christine
- Caruso, Rosemarie
- Dangel, Laurie
- Daniels, Mark
- Grabe, William
- Hetzner, Michael
- Jurrus, Deborah
- Kocher, Douglas
- Larson, Carole
- Leimer, Steven
- Nelson, Lee
- Radtke, John
- Leimer, Steven
- Schaaf, Jeanne
- Santogade, Peter
- Utter, Nancy
- Van Deraa, Cindy
- Willer, Douglas
- Wilson, David
- Anderson, Susan Kay
- Bernthal, James
- Bossard, Gary
- Busby, John
- Christian, David
- Dorosh, Michael
- Hinsch, Lois
- Koehlinger, Kim
- Kreilick, Kristine
- Kuehnert, Laurel
- Lutz, Deborah
- Manthey, Marilyn
- Meritt, Kelly
- Moore, Nancy
- Mueller, Stephen
- Orner, David
- Parisi, Katherine
- Rubsamen, Paul
- Vogt, Laurel
- Waldschmidt, Susan
- Winthrop, Michael
- Winzer, Paul
- Boyd, Nancy
- Croninger, Robert
- Debelak, Allan
- Johnson, Nancy
- Kuehnert, Nancy
- Loose, Alan
- Mason, Rick
- Michael, Marcy
- Milostan, Sandra
- Mues, Debra
- O’Brien, Scott
- Probst, Janet
- Ritz, Norman
- Rocco, Rae
- Shepherd, Alf
- Sinko, Kenneth
- Smith, Kathy
- Soike, David
- Stark, Lois
- Tampson, Margaret
- Burbank, Robert
- Carino, Rebbeca
- Climons, Valerie
- D’Alessandro, Paul
- Doerpinghaus, Martha
- Eggers, Susan
- Gregor, Roderick
- Hall, Michael
- Kunkel, Vivian
- Looman, James
- Lueke, Eunice
- Machinske, Kay
- Mesenbring, James
- Nicholson, Phyllis
- Peterson, Linda
- Pohl, Kathleen
- Schonta, Jeannine
- Shoemaker, John
- Stevens, William
- Thalmann, Steven
- Von Fange, Janice
- Zom, Stephen
- Abendroth, Debra
- Auerbach, Diane
- Bean, David
- Bothwell, Kathlene
- Callagnan, Philip
- Davis, Richard
- Edlin, Karin
- Ferguson, Alyce
- Friesen, Michael
- Helm, Jacquelyn
- Ideda, Dorothy
- John, Spear
- Klucher, Suzanne
- Martin, Sue
- Sarris, George
- Schirmer, Robin
- Scott, Gregory
- Smalldon, Jeffrey
- Steerzer, Rick
- Swanson, Brent
- Westbrook, Nancy
- Bedard, David
- Binz, Patricia
- Burmeister, Eric
- Chrisos, Andrea
- Close, Robert
- Dawson, Barbara
- Franck, James
- Gerse, Steven
- Homer, Janis
- Lee, Robert
- Marowske, Kyle
- Marsala, Nancy
- Miller, Lee Ann
- Musolf, Karen
- Novak, Wendy Lu
- Padre, Efrain Maximino
- Palumbo, Robert
- Pfeifer, Linda
- Smith, Clarence
- Soike, Elizabeth
- Spiewak, Debra
- Thomas, Melanie