Get Involved

One of the best ways to continue your experience is to get and stay involved here at Valpo and in your own community. Here are some ideas to get you started:

  1. Get involved with, or start, a student organization with an international focus.
  2. Make an effort to get to know international students studying at Valpo and engage in conversations about culture by attending OIP events, VISA events, or talking to others and sharing experiences, for example.
  3. Volunteer in Valpo or in your home community.
  4. Consider international work or volunteer experiences during breaks and/or after graduation.

Volunteer or work for the OIP – Study Abroad

We are always looking for enthusiastic returnees to help us promote our programs by sharing their experiences. There are many events through the year. If you would like to volunteer to help us with one of these events, email If you are willing and able to serve as a Study Abroad Advocate for your program, and for study abroad in general, be sure to reach out to our office. In addition to helping with events, Advocates will be listed as peer contacts for those considering or preparing to go abroad.

The OIP – Study Abroad also has paid student positions. These hourly positions offer valuable work experience in a fun, fast-paced environment. Open position announcements will go out over email and/or through Via. For more information on job requirements and duties, or when positions are likely to be open, contact the OIP – Study Abroad at