Processing and Selling Your International Experience

Now that you’ve finished your program and returned home, it’s important to take some time to reflect on your experience, think about how your perspectives may have changed, and work to be able to articulate what you did, what you learned, and how it has impacted you academically, personally, and professionally.

WLC 485: Study Abroad Re-Entry Course

This is a half-credit course during the first seven weeks of each semester, designed to pair with the pre-departure course you took before going abroad. Topics covered will include re-entry and adjusting to life back home, reverse culture shock, and how to use your experience personally and professionally. One of the things you will do as part of this course is workshop a resume and cover letter that highlights your international experience. This will be really great as you think about graduating and looking to start applying for jobs and entering your field. Typically, students complete this course the semester after their term abroad but is open to all students who have previously studied abroad.

For more information about the course or enrollment, or if you have any questions, contact the OIP – Study Abroad.