For Parents & Family Members

Dear Parents & Family Members,

Your loved one is about to begin an international experience that will impact them on an academic, personal, and professional level. Thank you for lending your support to an experience that may be one of the most exciting and significant events of your student’s life. Study Abroad is an opportunity to learn about another country, be immersed in another culture, and to earn college credit while gaining numerous skills that will be very valuable to them long after they return and leave Valpo.

Parents and families often notice that students return with a new sense of confidence and independence and a more global perspective. They are exposed to new ideas, may have a new perspective on their career and future goals, and may find a new or renewed passion for traveling. Learning to adjust to a new culture, see the world through a different lens, and improve intercultural communication are just some of the skills students will acquire abroad. These are skills that employers value and seek in potential employees.

At Valpo, the Office of International Programs – Study Abroad offers a wide array of programs to address the diverse needs of our students and works to make sure that these opportunities are affordable, academically challenging, and safe. The OIP – Study Abroad collaborates with faculty and many other departments on campus and at other institutions to support and address the concerns of our students before, during, and after their program abroad.

Whatever program your student has chosen, we hope that the information in this section and throughout our website helps you understand their unique experience. Further, we hope it allows you provide the support at home that your participant needs to enjoy a rich and profound experience abroad.

If you or your student have questions or concerns along the way, feel free to reach out to our office anytime.


The OIP – Study Abroad Staff