
Standards of Conduct

Adopted by GME Faculty and Staff on 10.08.2024

The people who make up the Department of Geography, Meteorology, & Environmental Science (GME) are a group of scholars, teachers, students, staff, coworkers, supervisors / subordinates, and colleagues. Our continued success depends on how well we work together. GME is committed to be an inclusive, respectful, and safe environment where we uphold academic and professional integrity, open communication, mutual trust, and collegiality. We will act with honesty and empathy, and take personal accountability for our individual actions. We will treat others fairly, with courtesy and respect, and will foster an intellectually and culturally inclusive environment. The department has no tolerance for unfair professional exclusion, intellectual belittling, undue pressuring, bullying, harassment, and sexual harassment.

We will extend these principles both inside the physical spaces of GME, and outside, while representing or otherwise displaying any affiliation with the department. This includes but is not limited to conferences and academic gatherings, field activities, student organization gatherings, social media engagement for professional purposes, and community outreach initiatives. In these department related public settings, we will act professionally, refrain from personally critical comments, and clearly distinguish professional comments from our personal opinions and views.

It is required that the following standards be clearly understood by everyone the first time. There cannot be any expectation for “teachable moments” and grace when it is at the expense of another’s well being.


Faculty, staff, and students associated with GME must adhere to all relevant Valparaiso University policies. Additionally, the following departmental standards of conduct must be followed.

  • Do not engage in direct or indirect bullying or harassing behavior. Such behavior includes, but not limited to:
    • Making another person feel intimidated, stressed, or unsafe.
    • Engaging in discriminatory and offensive behavior.
    • Engaging in verbal abuse, belittling through any medium.
    • Humiliating and threatening another person.
    • Criticizing someone without justification.
    • Deliberately excluding someone from activities associated with GME.
    • Deliberately denying access to information or other resources.
    • Deliberately withholding information that is vital to the individual’s needs to participate and function in department related activities, or to accomplish their tasks/goals.
    • Taking video or audio recordings of individuals without their permission.
    • Distributing video or audio recordings of individuals (real or digitally modified) on social and other media without their knowledge or permission.
    • Cyber-bullying, which includes the use of email, text messages, chat rooms, or social media to humiliate and distress.
    • Abuse of real power or perceived power to explicitly or implicitly gain favors or to threaten disadvantage.
      • Perceptions of disadvantage may include but are not limited to lack of collegial acceptance, exclusion from educational and professional opportunities, or loss of employment or career opportunities.
  • Do understand that reasonable and respectful direction or guidance is not bullying. Reasonable behaviors include, but not limited to:
    • Legitimate and constructive advice from instructors, mentors, colleagues, peers or associates of the department or any other affiliates.
    • Reasonable direction for compliance with laws and policies.
    • Deciding not to select an individual for an award or an appointed position.
    • Informing an individual about inappropriate behavior.
    • Implementing reasonable changes.
    • Constructive feedback.
    • Honest and cordial disagreement about academic or other topics.
  • Do not engage in sexual harassment. We are all entitled to bodily integrity at all times. Sexual harassment is any form of unwelcome sexual attention or conduct that is perceived by the recipient to be offensive, humiliating or intimidating and that occurs in any instance in the departmental environment, or work-related activity and/or event. Behaviors may include, but not be limited to:
    • Unwelcome touching, grabbing or other physical contact.
    • Asking for sex or sexual favors.
    • Leering and staring. 
    • Displaying sexually offensive material in any format. 
    • Sexual jokes, gestures or comments. 
    • Questions or discussion about an individual’s sex life.

The offender means no harm: The intention or motive in allegations of bullying or harassment of any kind is not relevant when determining whether the behavior was unwelcome. Bullying and harassment focuses on how the conduct was perceived and experienced rather than the intention behind it.

The aforementioned types of behavior that can be witnessed by others can cause a hostile environment and will not be tolerated. Violence or threat of violence of any sort is serious misconduct and will be reported to the authorities.

Expectations in the Field

An important component of education in GME is conducted away from campus (“field”). Work in the field, while sometimes being unpredictable and unusual, provides exceptional opportunities to cultivate camaraderie as well as personal growth opportunities. Field work is, however, still work that takes place in a professional setting. 

The privilege of field work is afforded to us by generous donors as well as meticulous planning by faculty/staff field leaders. Members of GME will conduct themselves in a manner that allows a safe, inclusive, respectful, accessible environment for all participants.

Prior to selecting field localities, trip leaders will carry out a reasonable risk assessment based on the location and activity. They will specifically assess whether or not a given location is safe and welcoming for all participants, regardless of their personal characteristics (e.g., race, ethnicity, gender, disability, etc.). While field leaders will make every effort to make field experiences inclusive and accessible, it is inherently understood that such work may not be always suitable for individuals with physical challenges.

Specific Expectations

Follow the chain of command: Field leaders plan strategies and goals before field excursions, and modify decisions contingent upon emerging situations. All participants may be included in decision making, but no participant will dictate another’s actions unless someone’s safety in the field is directly at risk. For all practical purposes, participants must respect and follow the field leaders’ instructions. The chain of command is in place to make decisions that are safe, internally consistent, and rational to meet the objectives of the field expedition. 

Be respectful guests: Follow the rules laid out by your field leaders as well as local authorities. Make your best efforts to leave the landscape as you found it. Be respectful of the culture and community of people who live in and around the field site or enroute. This includes explicitly asking permission to take photographs of people and use their stories, ideas, and information. Be ambassadors of your field of study, GME department, Valparaiso University, and your country. Strive to build positive relationships with local people.

Be respectful to each other: All expectations outlined in the standards of conduct apply to field activities, and must be followed.

Limitations in the field: Participants should understand that field work involves longer than average work hours and unusual sleep schedules. While field leaders will make every effort to allocate ample time for rest, that may not always be consistent. Field leaders will, however, recognize that all members have the right to stop work when they deem conditions unsafe.  Similarly, while all reasonable efforts would be made, meals and dietary restrictions may not always be easy to accommodate. Participants should take the responsibility of self-regulating their needs.

Our Responsibilities

All department faculty, staff, students, and affiliates have a responsibility to help maintain an environment that is free of all forms of bullying and harassment. This responsibility includes:

  • Being familiar with the Valparaiso University policies and procedures as well as department standards of conduct on bullying and harassment.
  • Complying with the standards of conduct that provides a framework for treating all individuals with dignity and respect.
  • Proactively supporting initiatives that raise awareness on issues of bullying or harassment, including annual review and discussion of the standards of conduct to reinforce its importance.
  • Proactively review the standards of conduct before activities, events, travel, field expeditions, etc.
  • Encouraging any person who has concerns about possible bullying or harassment to read the standards of conduct.
  • Acting promptly where behavior that could constitute bullying or harassment has been observed, e.g., advising the person(s) involved that the behavior be offensive and to cease immediately.
  • Where a situation of alleged bullying or harassment has occurred, respecting the rights of both complainant and respondent in line with due process. This includes refraining from starting or engaging in gossip about the situation or the individual who may be involved.
  • Refraining from victimization of any person associated with a complaint.
  • Seeking guidance from the chairperson of the department, a trusted colleague, faculty, or staff member.
  • Recognizing that each situation is unique, and allowing those in positions of authority to assess and recommend corrective actions within their capacity.
  • When appropriate, using university resources: