Jon-Paul McCool
Associate Professor of Geography
Chair, Interdisciplinary Environmental Science Program
Kallay-Christopher Hall, 201-H
Full CV link
Ph.D. – University of Cincinnati (2018)
M.A. – University of Cincinnati (2012)
B.A. – University of Evansville (2007)
Geoarchaeology, Soils, Biorhexistasy Theory, African Humid Period, Sudan, North Africa, Geographic Information Systems, Earth Systems Science, Fluvial & Aeolian Sediment Transport, Anthropogenic Modification of Soil & Sediment Systems
Courses Taught
GEO 104 Introduction to Geomorphology
GEO 212 Introduction to Archaeology
GEO 215 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems
GEO 304 Process Geomorphology and Terrain Analysis
GEO 404 Advanced Geomorphology
GEO 315 Environmental Applications of GIS
GEO 316 Web GIS
GEO 415 Advanced Geographic Information Systems
GEO 464 Landscape Systems
GEO 490 River Systems and Landforms
American Association of Geographers
Society for American Archaeology
Sudan Archaeological Research Society
Archaeological Institute of America
Geological Society of America
American Geophysical Union
Registrations & Professional Certifications
Register of Professional Archaeologists #17407
Certified Geographic Information Systems Professional #161455
Publications and Contributions
Peller, J., Tabor, G., Davis, C., Iceman, C., Nwachukwu, O., Doudrick, K., Wilson, A., Suprenant, A., McCool, J.. 2024. Distribution and fate of polyethylene microplastics released by a portable toilet manufacturer into a freshwater wetland and lake. Water 16(1), 11.
“Carbonates as Evidence for Groundwater Discharge to the Nile River during the Late Pleistocene and Holocene”, in Geomorphology, 2018, McCool, Jon-Paul. doi: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2018.09.026
“Soil Salinity in Discussions of Agricultural Feasibility for Ancient Civilizations: A Critical Review and Reanalysis of the Data and Debate at Chaco Canyon, New Mexico”, in PLOS One, 2018, McCool, Jon-Paul P., Fladd, Samantha G., Scarborough, Vernon L., Plog, Stephen, Dunning, Nicholas P., Owen, Lewis A., Watson, Adam S., Bishop, Katelyn J., Crowley, Brooke E., Haussner, Elizabeth A., Tankersley, Kenneth B., Lentz, David, Carr, Christopher, Thress, Jessica L. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0198290
“Prehistoric dark soil/sediments of central Sudan; case study from the Mesolithic landscapes at the sixth Nile cataract”, in Catena Vol. 149, 1:273-282, 2018, Lisá, Lenka, Bajer, Aleš, Pacina, Jan, McCool, Jon-Paul, Cílek, Václav, Rohovec, Jan, Matoušková, Šárka, Kallistova, Anna, Gottvald; Zdenek. doi: 10.1016/j.catena.2016.09.023
“Geoarchaeological Investigations in Mesoamerica Move into the 21st Century: A Review”, Geoarchaeology, Vol. 30, no. 3: 167-199, 2015, Dunning, Nicholas P., McCane, Carmen, Swinney, Tyler, Purtill, Matthew, Sparks, Jani, Mann, Ashley, McCool, Jon-Paul, Ivenso, Chantal. doi: 10.1002/gea.21507
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