Inaugural Golden Bells International Composition Contest

for Chinese Instruments with Western Orchestra



Golden Bells International Competition Contest Application Form

Note: Scores and optional recordings must be submitted using a pseudonym. To insure fairness, the composer’s real name should not appear on the submitted score or recording.
注意:必须使用化名提交总谱和录音(录音可交可不交)。 为确保公平,作曲家的真实姓名不应出现在提交的乐谱或录音中。

I have read, understand, and comply with the contest guidelines. I understand that if my score is selected for performance, I must submit a full set of parts by August 1, 2022. - 我已阅读、理解并愿意遵守大赛规则。 我知道,如果我的总谱被选作表演,我必须在 2022 年 8 月 1 日之前提交全套分谱。

10 + 13 =

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