Safety/Risk Management

Valparaiso University Risk Management Policy

Valparaiso University’s Risk Management policy for sororities and fraternities falls under the Interfraternity Council and Panhellenic Council Executive Boards and was written in 1997 by students. The executive boards for both councils in regards to the Risk Management policy are charged to:

  • Develop guidelines and policies, which lead to better risk management
  • Educate the members of the Greek community in order to promote awareness of current trends and to limit liability
  • Insure conformance with Valpo’s Student Guide to University Life and Indiana state laws
  • Provide continuous education regarding Greek social functions
  • Aid in the planning of social functions that take place in a recognized fraternity facility
  • Help provide a security company when alcohol is involved in social functions
  • Allow the Greek community to take responsibility for its own actions

For a copy of the Valparaiso University Risk Management policy and a Risk Management Registration Form, please see the Documents section of this website.