
Practicum in TESOL

All Valparaiso University TESOL students, including undergraduate TESOL minors, M.A. students in TESOL, and graduate and undergraduate students in the TESOL certificate programs complete a hands-on teaching practicum.  Below are only some of the locales in which students in our programs have completed the teaching practicum:

  • Valparaiso Adult Learning Center
  • Interlink Language Center, Valparaiso
  • Compass International Family Center, Valparaiso
  • Valparaiso University English Department (English 101 and 102)
  • Study Abroad classes at Valparaiso University for students from Namseoul University, Korea
  • Indiana k-12 schools (for the teacher certification in TESOL)
  • Valparaiso International Center
  •  Go Teacher Ecuador program on Valparaiso University’s campus
  • Summer Global Leadership Institute, Valparaiso University
  • Hmong American Partnership, Minneapolis

Students in our programs complete 50 hours of observation or teaching time per academic credit.  Faculty-directed teaching time is normally preceded by observation in programs such as those listed above; the teaching practicum includes an academic, reflective component.