Selina Bartels

Selina Bartels Associate Professor of Education, Department Chair 219.464.5685 Wesemann Hall 215
- Ph.D. 2016 – Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL
Philosophy of Science Education, PhD
- M.Ed. 2007 – Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL
Master of Science Education
- B.S. 2000 – Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL
Elementary Education, Minor – History
Selina Bartels is an Assistant Professor of Education with a focus in Science and STEM education. Her P-12 teaching experiences took place in Chicago Public Schools where she served teaching various grades and content areas (science, language arts, and social studies).
Her research interests lie in Scientific Literacy. Her dissertation focused on Elementary Students’ understandings of science, scientists and how they do their work (a cross sectional study). Selina is currently working on a large international study looking at understandings of Scientific Inquiry around the world for students in grades 1-12. Another research interest is looking at pre service teacher’s understandings and lesson plan development of STEM activities. Additionally, Selina is working with several Lutheran schools to develop their science and STEM curriculum.
Selina Bartels is the managing editor of the Journal of Science Teacher Education (JSTE). She currently is a Trainer for the Early Childhood edTPA assessment and has served on the NARST (National Association of Research on Science Teaching) board as the graduate student liaison.
Select Publications
Lederman, J. S. & Bartels, S. L. (2018). Assessing the ultimate goal of science education:
Scientific literacy for all! In Kahn, S. (Ed.), Toward inclusion of all learners through science teacher education. Sense Publishers, Boston, MA.
Lederman, J., Bartels, S., Lederman, N., & Ganankkan, D. (2014). Demystifying the nature of science. Science and Children, 52(1), 40-45.
Lederman, J.S., Lederman, N.G., Bartos, S.A., Bartels, S.L., Antink Meyer, A., & Schwartz, R.S. (2014). Meaningful assessment of learners’
understandings about scientific inquiry – The views about scientific inquiry (VASI) questionnaire. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 51(1),
Select Presentations
Bartels, S. L. (2018, March). STEMtastic lessons for elementary students. Workshop at the 2018 National Association of Science Teachers
Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Bartels, S. L., LePrette, D. & Lederman, J. (2018, January). edTPA bandwagon: How well does edTPA predict inservice teachers’ teaching? A
post presented at the annual meeting of the Association of Science Teacher Educators, Baltimore, MD.
Bartels, S. L. & Lederman, J. S. (2017, April). A cross-sectional study of elementary students’ understandings of nature of science and scientific
inquiry. A paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching conference, San Antonio, TX.