Campus-Scenes HERO

Application Process

A complete application consists of:

I. Abstract

An abstract of proposed use of funds (not to exceed 100 words).

II. Project Description

  • The nature of the conference or workshop (regional, local, national, standing in field, etc.) and the applicant’s role in the conference (attendee, presenter of paper, panel member, etc.).
  • Description of the benefit to the University, such as:
    How does it improve student learning?
    How does it improve pedagogy?
    How does it relate to activity in the classroom?
    How does it meet special needs of the department or the University?
    How will what is learned be used or disseminated?
  • Any other University-supported conference the applicant is planning this year. Attending more than one conference does not disqualify the applicant from serious consideration but may constitute one factor in the allocation of scarce resources.

III. Statement of Support

A brief letter of recommendation or support from the dean or department chair. This should include the level of travel support available per faculty member, any restricted funds with endowed chairs (if the applicant holds such a chair), and special college-specific awards.

IV. Budget

A brief, but specific statement of how the award will be spent (travel, lodging, food, conference fees, etc.). It will be helpful to provide the total costs even when a portion is being solicited.

All applications must be submitted using the appropriate online submission form.

Please note: the online submission form will only upload PDF attachments which are less than 5MB in size. If you experience any difficulty in submitting your application, please contact Mike Moore in the provost’s office at or 219.464.6718.