Earn Your Nursing and Health Professions Degree
Read the full release here.
The College of Nursing and Health Professions expects students to obtain all of the vaccines listed for clinical clearance. However, if there is a medical exemption documented, the student will meet with their programs’ assistant dean to sign a waiver document. This document acknowledges the possibility that the student may not be able to be clinically placed and therefore cannot meet degree requirements.
The College of Nursing and Health Professions prepares professionals who will use their roles to transform today’s health and healthcare systems in collaborative teams—whether you pursue a path as a nurse, physician assistant, public health expert, healthcare leader, nurse educator, researcher, advance nurse provider, health educator, or occupational therapist.
An education from Valpo’s College for Nursing and Health Care Professions ensures that you will learn to be a critical thinker, exemplary performer, unswerving leader, and unselfish helper as you work with others to change the world.
Learn more about Valpo’s nursing school in Indiana, including rankings and reputation, as well as our 11 graduate and undergraduate programs across five disciplines.

College of Nursing and Health Professions
For more than 50 years, Valparaiso University’s College of Nursing and Health Professions has built a tradition of excellence. We prepare students for the 21st century healthcare workplace by teaching them to not only be strong clinicians, but also adaptive, collaborative, and visionary.
Watch the video to learn more about our college for healthcare professionals.
We strongly encourage all vaccinations listed under clinical clearance, including the COVID-19 vaccination, for students seeking degrees from the College of Nursing and Health Professions (CONHP). If you do not have any or all of these vaccinations, we may not be able to place you in the required clinical/experiential placements with our partners as those placements may require students to have had all these vaccines with no exceptions. Those requirements are up to each contracted clinical/experiential partner and not CONHP.
If we cannot place you with one of the clinical/experiential partners whom we contract with, you will not be able to complete your education for the degrees selected in CONHP. At that point, you would need to seek a degree outside of CONHP/leave the program. Therefore, if you do not receive all of these vaccinations listed under clinical clearance, you run the risk of not being able to complete your CONHP degree(s) and assume the financial risks associated with that, including tuition dollars paid towards a degree you cannot complete.
Academic Programs

Nursing Program
A Holistic Approach to Healthcare
“One thing that really separates Valpo is how all the professors are really willing to work with each student’s schedule. Being in the College of Nursing and Health Professions didn’t stop me from getting involved at Valpo.”
—Angela Dahuy Choi ’19, Nursing
Watch the video to hear about Angela’s experience in the College of Nursing.

Public Health Program
Originally from Wilmington, Ohio, Ty Snarr ’20, is a member of the inaugural cohort of students pursuing their bachelor’s in public health at Valpo. But public health wasn’t always the plan for Ty— he anticipated that his fascination with populations and geography, combined with his interest in healthcare, would find him on the pre-med track as an undergraduate.
—Ty Snarr ’20, Public Health