Sami Khorbotly, Ph.D.

Sami Khorbotly, Ph.D. Chair and Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering 219.464.5183 Gellersen Center, Room 161
B.S.- Beirut Arab University
M.S.- The University of Akron
Ph.D.- The University of Akron
Courses Taught
- Advanced Digital Signal Processing (including laboratory), Senior level
- Computer Architecture (including laboratory), Junior level
- Digital Logic Design (including laboratory), Sophomore level
- Digital Signal Processing (including laboratory), Junior level
- Electric Circuits (including laboratory), Sophomore level
- Signals & Systems, Sophomore level
Research Interests
- Computer Architecture
- Computer Engineering
- Digital Signal Processing
- Electric Circuits
- Fixed-point implementation of real-time signal processing algorithms and Robotics/Machine vision
- Signals and Systems
Professional Affiliations
- American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE)
- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Senior Member Served as a Chair of the Lima, Ohio section Member of the Circuits & Systems Society Member of the Education Society - The honor society of international scholars
- “Recursive Implementation of Gaussian Filters with Switching and Reset Hardware,” IEEE Midwestern Symposium on Circuits & Systems, Columbus, OH, Aug. 2013 (S. Khorbotly & F. Hassan)
- “A Spiral Learning Approach to Hardware Description Languages,” IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Beijing, China, May 2013 (S. R. Vemuru, S. Khorbotly & F. Hassan)
- “Teachless teach-repeat:Toward Vision-based Programming of Industrial Robots,” IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, May 2012 (M. Perrollaz, S. Khorbotly, A. Cool, J-D. Yoder, & E. Baumgartner)
- “Recursive Implementation of Exponential Linear-Phase FIR Filters,” IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits, & Systems, Beirut, Lebanon, Dec. 2011 (F. Hassan and S. Khorbotly)
- “A Modified Approximation of 2D Gaussian Smoothing Filters for Fixed-Point platforms,” IEEE Southeast Symposium on System Theory, Auburn, AL, March 2011 (S. Khorbotly & F. Hassan)
- “Engineering Student-Design Competition Teams: Capstone or Extracurricular?,” IEEE Frontiers In Education Conference, Washington, DC, Oct. 2010 (Khorbotly & K. Al-Olimat)
- Overview
- Mohamed Aburakhis, Ph.D.
- Zuhdi Aljobeh, Ph.D., P.E.
- Abbas Divani, PhD, PE
- Georges El-Howayek, Ph.D.
- Jay Grossman, Ph.D., P.E.
- Eric Johnson, Ph.D.
- Peter Johnson, Ph.D.
- Reva Johnson, Ph.D.
- Sami Khorbotly, Ph.D.
- Peter Krenzke, Ph.D.
- Bethany Luke, Ph.D.
- Dan Maguire, Ph.D.
- Flavia Mendonca, Ph.D.
- Shahin Nudehi, Ph.D., P.E.
- Carmine Polito, Ph.D., P.E.
- Anne Raich, Ph.D.
- Juan Carlos Ramirez, Ph.D.
- Jesse Sestito, Ph.D.
- Lauren Sestito, Ph.D.
- Doug Tougaw, Ph.D., P.E.
- Luke Venstrom, Ph.D.
- Peter Weiss, Ph.D., P.E.
- Jeffrey Will, Ph.D.
- Dan White, Ph.D.