International Opportunities
Cross-cultural experiences further enhance a student’s ability to observe, interpret, and succeed in a global business environment.
Engineering students are encouraged to take advantage of the international experiences Valparaiso University and the College of Engineering offer.
Valparaiso International Engineering Program (VIEP)
VIEP is a five-year program that combines a major in engineering with a major in German, French, Spanish, or a minor in Chinese. This program allows students to gain multicultural experience and language proficiency along with technical engineering skills. These skills help to prepare them for careers with one of many international firms located in the United States and around the world by spending a year in their respective countries.
Valparaiso University Study Abroad
Choosing to study abroad can be one of the most enriching, fulfilling, interesting and educationally stimulating experiences of your entire life. Spend a semester studying abroad through one of Valparaiso University’s approved programs and receive credit for the classes. Valpo offers programs in Cambridge, England; Reutlingen, Germany; Hangzhou, China; and San Jose, Costa Rica. Information on these or other programs can be found through the Office of International Programs.
Summer International Program
The College of Engineering offers an opportunity for students to take our GE 312, Ethical Decisions in Engineering (1.5 cr.), in Reutlingen, Germany. This summer course is three weeks long and students get one free weekend to travel.
Mission Trips
Several campus organizations arrange for trips during spring break and summer. Working Across Vocations Everywhere through Service (WAVES) has sent students to Guatemala, Haiti and Nicaragua in the past 6 years.
On-Campus Organizations
Valparaiso University students come from countries across the globe. Student organizations such as Valparaiso International Student Association (VISA) allow students to build relationships with people throughout the world.