Jiun-Lin (Alex) Chen, Ph.D.

Jiun-Lin (Alex) Chen, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Finance jiunlin.chen@valpo.edu 219.464.5043 Urschel Hall (URH) 224
Jiun-Lin Chen teaches financial management and international finance at the undergraduate level and financial analysis in the MBA program. He has teaching experiences in Australia, USA and Taiwan for almost 20 years. His research interests include financial institutions, market efficiency, stock liquidity, and capital requirement in banking. Chen has published articles in academic journals as International Review of Financial Analysis, Journal of Risk Model Valuation, Finance Research Letter, Finsia Journal of Applied Finance, and Australasian Accounting Business and Finance Journal, among others.
BBA – National Taiwan University, Taipei City
MBA – National Taiwan University, Taipei City
Ph.D. – Louisiana State University
- Our Faculty
- Lin (Vivian) Chen, Ph.D.
- Jiun-Lin (Alex) Chen, Ph.D.
- Yi-Ju Chien, PhD, CFA
- Elizabeth Gingerich, JD
- Ata Karbasi, Ph.D.
- Jiangxia (Renee) Liu, Ph.D.
- Ruanjia Liu, Ph.D.
- Lacey Logan, Ph.D.
- Matthew Luth, Ph.D.
- Karl D. Madsen, MBA
- Dushan Nikolovski
- Musa Pinar, Ph.D.
- David Rolling, Ph.D.
- Paul Rowe, Ph.D.
- Jamie Stangel, Ph.D.
- John Steele, MBA
- Cathlin Upton, CPA, MBA
- Michelle Van Solt, Ph.D.