Minor in Human Resources

This is open to all business and non-business majors.

Required Courses

Human Resources Minor (Minimum 15 Cr.)

CourseCourse DescriptionCredits
MGT 304Management and Organizational Behavior3 Cr.
Take three of the following courses:
MGT 310Managing Human Resources 3 Cr.
MGT 311Selection, Training, and Development3 Cr.
MGT 312Performance Management and Compensation3 Cr.
MGT 410Strategic Human Resource Management3 Cr.
Take one of the following courses:
CVA 311Organizational Communication3 Cr.
CVA 315Intercultural Communication3 Cr.
CVA 345Leadership Communication3 Cr.
CVA 366Negotiation and Conflict Resolution3 Cr.
MGT 315Leadership and Interpersonal Skills3 Cr.
PSY 325Cross-Cultural Psychology3 Cr.
PSY 335Psychology of Personality3 Cr.