Students attend Valpo’s college for business majors

Minor in Business Analytics

The minor in business analytics requires 18-19 credit hours and is designed for students who want to sharpen their skills in the effective use of data. The concepts and processes taught in the coursework are applicable beyond the field of business analysis, offering students in any field an introduction to the basics of data management and quantitative analysis.  This minor is open to all majors at Valparaiso University.

Minor Requirements (Minimum 18-19 Cr.)
BAN 330 Database Management Systems 3 Cr.
BAN 440 Machine Learning 3 Cr.
BUS 115 Business Applications/Decision-Making 3 Cr.
BAN 340 Statistics for Decision Making 3 Cr.
One course from the following options:
STAT 140 General Statistics 3 Cr.
STAT 240 Statistical Analysis 3 Cr.
PSY 201 Statistical Methods 3 Cr.
BUS 205 Business Statistics 3 Cr.
One course from the following options:
BAN 315 Analytical Modeling 3 Cr.
BAN 370 Visual Effects 3 Cr.
BAN 470 Business Analytics Practicum 3 Cr.
GEO 215 Intro to Geographic Info Systems, Systems 4 Cr.