Students attend Valpo’s college for business majors

Minor in Business Administration

A Comprehensive Business Minor Program

Interested in applying to our business minor program? If you are eager to learn and ready to transform your interests into relevant career opportunities, now is the time to take the next step. Apply to pursue a business minor or request more information about our Indiana college. This minor is for non-business majors.

This 27-credit business administration minor program includes at least one course in each discipline taught at the College of Business.

Minor Requirements (Minimum 27 Cr.)
ACC 205 Financial Accounting 3 Cr.
ACC 206 Managerial Accounting 3 Cr.
BLAW 104 Legal Environment of Business 3 Cr.
BUS 205 Business Statistics 3 Cr.
ECON 221 Principles of Microeconomics 3 Cr.
ECON 222 Principles of Macroeconomics 3 Cr.
FIN 304 Financial Management 3 Cr.
MGT 304 Management & Organizational Behavior 3 Cr.
MKT 304 Marketing Management 3 Cr.

Note: MATH 124 is a prerequisite for BUS 205STAT 340 or BAN 340 may be substituted for BUS 205.

Pursue a Business Administration Minor at Valpo

Interested in applying to our business minor program? If you are eager to learn and ready to transform your interests into relevant career opportunities, now is the time to take the next step. Apply to pursue a business minor or request more information about our Indiana college.