Center for Innovation in Teaching, Assessment, and Learning › Faculty Development › Faculty Learning Communities ›
Difficult Dialogues in the Classroom and Beyond
Difficult Dialogues in the Classroom and Beyond
Colleges ought to be the place where the free exchange of ideas and civil discourse is modeled and practiced. Instead, campuses have increasingly become places of tension, polarization, and even violence. Would you like to learn to engage in dialogues around divisive topics within a context of respect and mutual learning? Then join your fellow faculty in this FLC that will provide strategies, resources, and practical tips regarding managing classroom dialogue. Libby Roderick, who led a workshop on Difficult Dialogues for us in January, will be returning this fall for another hands-on session that will help kick off this FLC.
Phillip Powell Facilitator
Participating Members:
- Phillip Powell
- Christina Cavinder
- Faculty Learning Communities
- Applying Memory Science to the Classroom & Doing Research to See If It Actually Works
- Backwards Design Curriculum Development
- Beyond Textbooks: Using Online Resources in Your Classroom
- Blended Learning: Using Technology to Improve Student Learning
- Classroom to Career: Integrating Career-Ready Skills into the Curriculum
- Creating a Compassionate Campus
- Difficult Dialogues in the Classroom and Beyond
- Eco-Pedagogy
- Faculty Civility
- Faculty/Student Mentoring
- Helping At-Risk Students
- Inclusive Excellence in STEM
- Interdisciplinary Projects in Mathematics
- Mindset: Moving Students from a Fixed to a Growth Mindset
- New Directions in Artificial Intelligence
- Small Teaching Online
- Small Teaching
- Supporting Teaching of International Students
- Teaching Across Cultures
- Teaching by Discussion
- Teaching to Your Strengths
- The Flipped Classroom
- The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
- Unconventional Grading Methods