CC 300 EVX: Inside/Out
CC 300 EVX: Inside/Out
3 Credits – Cross-listed with PSY 380 X
M 5:00-8:00 pm – Professor Puffer
This Inside-Out Prison Exchange course brings together students from Valparaiso University and residents of a local correctional facility to engage in meaningful dialogue about philosophy, justice, the criminal justice system, imprisonment, and human behavior. It is an opportunity for all participants to gain a deeper understanding of these topics from both theoretical and practical perspectives. “Inside” and “outside” students will work together, share ideas and perceptions, and learn from one another over the course of the semester. The course is limited to juniors and seniors. Inclusion in the course requires completion of an application and interview, and consent of the instructors.
Requisite Courses: Junior or Senior Standing Required
Other Spring Semester Courses