Samuel Graber

Samuel Graber
Associate Professor of Humanities and Literature
Ph.D. American Studies – University of Iowa
Mueller Hall 124
Sam Graber’s interests include nineteenth-century literature and culture, the American Civil War, transatlantic studies, memory studies, and religion. In CC, he teaches the First-Year Program, “Word & Image,” “African American Literature,” “Literatures of Freedom,” “Literature at the Movies,” “American Identity,” “Interpretation: Self, Culture, Society,” and “American War Literature.” His first book, Twice-Divided Nation: National Memory, Transatlantic News, and American Literature in the Civil War Era, was published by the University of Virginia Press in 2019. He’s also published essays in numerous scholarly journals and collections, including ESQ, The Walt Whitman Quarterly Review, Literary Cultures of the American Civil War, and The Cambridge Companion to the Literature of the American Civil War and Reconstruction.