CC 455 A: Inquiry in the Liberal Arts

CC 455 A: Inquiry in the Liberal Arts

3 Credits
Professor Upton
Graded S/U

The “TA Course” provides selected CC seniors a unique opportunity for both teaching and learning. As more advanced and mature students, the Tutorial Assistants are well equipped to introduce first year students to foundational liberal arts texts as well as to the general atmosphere and expectations of Christ College. As students about to complete their undergraduate careers, seniors have an opportunity to return to some texts they read as freshmen, as well as some new texts, and reconsider them in light of their acquired skills and knowledge.  Through the preparation for teaching FP course materials, TAs engage more deeply with these fundamental liberal arts texts and think more deeply about the overall CC experience.

Each TA works with a small group of freshmen on Monday mornings introducing them to the text under consideration. The TAs meet with Professor Upton as a group for discussion of the texts and pedagogical strategies the previous Thursday.  Each TA is responsible for weekly written assignments (discussion paragraphs, lesson plans, etc.), and for a self-evaluation of the semester.  TAs also comment on and grade freshman paragraphs each week.  TAs will receive evaluations from their freshmen at mid-term and at the end of the semester.

Texts will include all Freshman Program Fall Semester texts.

Senior standing required.  Consent of the Dean and Instructor are required; Professor Upton will interview prospective seniors.  (For approved seniors, this course may count as a CC 300 level seminar toward scholar and associate designations or the major and minor in the humanities.)


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