Student Involvement

Students are invited and encouraged to participate in a variety of ministry and leadership opportunities through the Chapel of the Resurrection. Students are welcome to serve in both planning and leadership roles for all worship services. Other ministry opportunities include SALT (Social Action Leadership Team), Kantorei (Chapel Choir, by audition)Gospel Choir (University gospel choir open to all students and alumni), Peer Ministry (residential and cohort ministry), Beloved (student-led LGBTQIA+ Christian community), LuMin (ELCA campus ministry) and LCMS-U.

Let us know your interests through our Discord channel!

Students are also encouraged to bring their ideas and passions for new ministry experiences to the life of the Chapel.

The Chapel is more than an impressive building on campus. It’s where you’ll find great people and an active worship life. Here are some areas in which you might wish to get involved:

  • Prayer Team – Serve as a member of the team that reads the community’s prayers for each Sunday morning service.
  • Acolyte – Serve on a team as a torch bearer, crucifer, or book-bearer at our Sunday morning worship services.
  • Altar Care – Serve on a team that shares the distinct honor of preparing the worship space for the service of Holy Communion.
  • Reader – On Sunday mornings, you could read one of the scripture readings for our worship service.
  • Morning Prayer Musicians – Musicians are needed to help lead or support Morning prayer worship, from keyboardists to instrumentalists to vocalists who know (or want to learn) how to cantor.
  • Celebrate! Praise Team – Instrumentalists and vocalists are welcome for our Wednesday night Celebrate! Service.

To get involved, talk to one of the pastors or join our Discord group.