BYO Lunch at Helge

We invite you to join us for lunch and conversation in the Helge Center Multipurpose Room from 12 – 1 p.m. on the following dates:
- Wednesday, Mar. 19
- Wednesday, Apr. 9
- Wednesday, Apr. 23
So many of us at Valpo name this community and each other as key reasons we’ve chosen to live and work here. But it can be challenging, in the busy-ness of our work and necessary routines, to find time to nurture and lean into this community.
We would like to help create space for (re)connection and conversation, and we also happen to have a great space to share a meal while chatting. So please consider joining us for a Helge lunch (or three).
All you need to bring is yourself, your lunch, and a curiosity to connect with others who share this university community. We hope to see you there!
Additional dates forthcoming, but we anticipate several before March / spring break.
Click here to add our upcoming dates to your Google Calendar. Be sure to click the “Add to Google Calendar” button at the bottom of the screen.