Ivy Tech Community College

Official Articulation Agreements

Suggested Coursework

Here you will find suggested coursework to follow at your current institution that will help you to complete a degree in one of the academic colleges listed below.  If you need more information on specific courses, please reach out to your admission counselor.  These are suggested courses, not official articulation agreements. 

Ivy Tech Courses Credits Valparaiso University Courses Credits
Must complete all of the following courses (17 credits)
ENGL 111 3 ENGL 100 College Composition 3
ENGL 112 3 ENGL Undistributed 3
COMM 101 3 COMM 243 Public Communication 3
MATH 123 or higher 3 MATH 120 Mathematical Ideas 3
PHIL 101 3 PHIL 115 Exerience and Existence 3
IVY 111 1 GE UND 1
IVY 103 1 KIN 100/KIN 101 Healthy Lifestyles 1
Natural Sciences: Select Two (7-8 credits)
BIO 105/107 4 BIO 171 Unity of Life 4
CHEM 111 4 CHEM 111 Intro to Chemistry 4
PHYS 101 4 PHYS 111 Essentials of Physics 4
PSYC 101 3 PSY 110 General Psychology 3
Social Sciences: Select Two (6 credits)
ECON 101 3 ECON Undistributed 3
POLS 101 3 POLS 120 The Government of the US 3
CRIM 101 3 SOC 130 The Criminal Justice System 3
SOCI 111 3 SOC 110 Intro to Sociology 3
Humanities: Select One (3 credits)
ARTH 101 3 ART 101 Ancient to Medieval Art History 3
ARTH 102 3 ART 102 Renaissance to Mod Art History 3
ARTS 100 3 ART 121 Drawing 3
ARTS 102 3 ART 132 Intro to Design and Digital Media 3
HIST 101 3 HIST 220 American Experience to 1877 3
HIST 102 3 HIST 221 American Exp in the Mod World 3
PHIL 102 3 PHIL 125 The Good Life 3

Students should use this information in conjunction with obtaining the Associate degree in Accounting or Business Administration.

All other courses required by Ivy Tech for Associate degree completion are applied as free elective credit.

Completion of the below with an Associate degree will result in junior standing, waiving of BUS 100 and the ability to graduate from Valparaiso University in four semesters (four semesters = two fall semesters and two spring semesters).

Ivy Tech Courses Credits Valparaiso University Courses Credits
All 3 courses must be taken to satisfy CORE 110 and 115 Requirement
ENGL 111 3 ENGL 100 College Composition 5
ENGL 112 3 ENGL UND English Undistributed 5
PHIL 102 3 PHIL 125 The Good Life
Natural Science with Lab: Select One (4 credits)
BIO 121 4 BIO 171 Unity of Life 4
BIOL 105 5 BIO 171 Unity of Life 4
BIOT 101 4 BIO 125 Biotechnology 4
BIOT 107 4 BIO UND Biology Undistributed 4
BTN 101 4 BIO 125 Biotechnology 4
CHEM 111 4 CHEM 111 Intro to Chemistry 4
CHEM 211 5 CHE 221 Organic Chemistry I 4
All of the Following:
COMM 101 3 COMM 243 Public Communication 3
IVY 111 1 Elective 1
IVY 103 1 KIN-100 Healthy Lifestyles 1
PSY 110 3 PSY 111 General Psychology 3
MATH 201 3 MATH 124 (Finite) 3
ECON 201 3 ECON 221 Microeconomics 3
ECON 202 3 ECON 222 Macroeconomics 3
OFAD 216 3 ENGL 300 Intro/Bus & Prof Writing 3
All of the Following:
ACCT 101 3 ACC 205 Financial Accounting 3
ACCT 102 3 ACC 206 Managerial Accounting 3
BUSN 101 3 BUS UND Business Undistributed 3
BUSN 201 3 BLAW 104 Legal Environment of Business 3
BUSN 230 3 IDS 205 Business Statistics 3
Foreign Language (8 credits)
Must be in class delivery; foreign language cannot be taken through online delivery
Humanities: Select One (3 credits)
ARTH 101 3 ART 101 Ancient to Medieval Art History 3
ARTH 102 3 ART 102 Renaissance to Mod Art History 3
ARTS 100 3 ART 121 Drawing 3
ARTS 102 3 ART 132 Intro to Design and Digital Media 3
HIST 101 3 HIST 220 American Experience to 1877 3
HIST 102 3 HIST 221 American Exp in the Mod World 3
Social Sciences: Select One (3 credits)
POLS 101 3 POLS 120 The Government of the US 3
CRIM 101 3 SOC 130 The Criminal Justice System 3
SOCI 111 3 SOC 110 Intro to Sociology 3
Course Ivy Tech Course Credit Hours VU Course
Elementary Education Program 2020 – 2021
ENGL 111 English Composition 3 CORE 110 & 115
COMM 101 Fundamentals of Public Speaking 3 ED 210
MATH 123 Quantitative Reasoning 3 MATH 111
BIOL 101 Introductory Biology 3 BIO 171
SCIN 111 Physical Science 3 PHYS 111
HIST 101 OR 102 Survey of American History 1 OR 2 3 HIST 120/121
POLS 101 OR GEOG 207 OR ECON 101 Introduction to American Government OR World Geography OR Economic Fundamentals 3 POLS 120 OR GEO 10 OR ECON 136
HIST 111 OR HIST 112 World Civilizations 1 OR 2 3 HIST 110
ARTH 110 Art Appreciation 3 ART 101/102
ENGL 202 Creative Writing 3 ENGL 201
EDUC 250 Educational Psychology 3 ED 220
SCIN 100 Earth Science 4 ASTR 101
MATH 141 Mathematics for Elementary
4 MATH 213 &
EDUC 101 Introduction to Teaching 3 ED 206
EDUC 121 Child & Adolescent
3 ED 220
EDUC 224 Scientific Inquiry 3 ED 290
EDUC 230 The Exceptional Child 3 SPED 440
EDUC 233 Literacy Development through
Children’s Literature
3 ED 465
EDUC 240 Introduction to Health & Physical Education for EL Ed Teachers 3 ED 335
IVYT 111 Student Success in University Transfer 1 Elective/Undistributed
Total: 60 Credits


Sample Course sequence for Elementary Education at Valparaiso University

Course Course Title Credits
Junior Year 1st Semester
ED 357 Designing Curriculum, Assessment, and
Learning Plans
ED 310 Foundations of Literacy 4
ED 327 Methods of Teaching Social Studies in the
Elementary School
ED 330 Methods of Teaching Fine Arts in the
Elementary School
THEO 200 The Christian Tradition 3
Total: 17


Course Course Title Credits
Junior Year 2nd Semester
ED 329 Literacy in the Elementary School 4
ED 323 Methods of Teaching Science in the
Elementary School
ED 324 Methods of Teaching Mathematics in the
Elementary School
ENG 200 Literary Studies 3
KIN 100 Healthy Lifestyles 1
ED 215 Technology in the Classroom 1
Total: 17


Course Course Title Credits
Junior Year 3rd Semester
ED 470 Diversity, Equity, and Education 3
ED 467 English Language Learning Methods 3
THEO 300 Upper Level Theology Class 3
Minor Class 3
Minor Class 3
Total: 15


Course Course Title Credits
Junior Year 4th Semester
ED 445 Seminar: Efficacy in Professional Practice 3
ED 439 Supervised Teaching in the Elementary Grades 12
Total: 15
Overall Total: 64
Ivy Tech Courses Credits Valparaiso University Courses Credits
Must complete all of the following general education courses (43-45 credits)
ENGL 111 3 ENGL 100 College Composition 3
ENGL 112 3 ENGL Undistributed 3
CHEM 111 4 CHEM 111 Chemistry 4
COMM 101 3 COMM 243 3
MATH 211 4 MATH 131 Calculus I 4
MATH 212 4 MATH 132 Calculus II 4
MATH 264 3 MATH 253 Calculus III 3
MATH 265 3 MATH 260 Foundations of Adv Math 3
PHYS 220 5 PHYS 141 Mechanics and Heat (and lab) 5
PHYS 221 5 PHYS 142 Elec, Mags and Waves (and lab) 5
PHIL 101 or 102 3 PHIL 115 Exerience and Existence 3
IVY 111 1 Elective 1
IVY 103 1 KIN 100/KIN 101 Healthy Lifestyles 1
Social Sciences: Select One (3 credits)
ECON 101 3 ECON Undistributed 3
POLS 101 3 POLS 120 The Government of the US 3
CRIM 101 3 SOC 130 The Criminal Justice System 3
SOCI 111 3 SOC 110 Intro to Sociology 3
Humanities: Select One (3 credits)
ARTH 101 3 ART 101 Ancient to Medieval Art History 3
ARTH 102 3 ART 102 Renaissance to Mod Art History 3
ARTS 100 3 ART 121 Drawing 3
ARTS 102 3 ART 132 Intro to Design and Digital Media 3
HIST 101 3 HIST 220 American Experience to 1877 3
HIST 102 3 HIST 221 American Exp in the Mod World 3
Professional-Technical – must complete all of the following
ENGR 116 2 ME 104 Computer Aided Design 2
ENGR 140 3 ECE 250 Fundamentals of Programming 3
ENGR 160 3 ME 125 Comp Program for Mech Engineers 1
ME UND Mech Engineering Undistrib 2
ENGR 190 2 GE 100 Fundamentals of Engineering 2
GE 199 Engineering Seminar 0
ENGR 251 4 ECE 200 Comp Tech for El/Comp Engineer 2
ECE 261 Linear Circuit Theory I 2
ENGR 260 3 GE 109 Mechanics Statics 3
ENGR 261 3 ME 209 Mechanics – Dynamics 3
ENGR XXX 3 Engineering Elective 3

Yellow = meets general education requirements per catalog

Blue = meets major requirements per catalog

Ivy Tech Courses Credits Valparaiso University Courses Credits
Associate of Applied Science in Criminal Justice
CRIM 101 3 SOC 130 3
CRIM 103 3 SOC UND 3
CRIM 105 3 SOC UND 3
ENGL 111 3 CORE 115 3
IVY 103 3 KIN 100 3
CRIM 110 3 SOC UND 3
CRIM 120 3 SOC UND 3
CRIM 130 3 SOC UND 3
CRIM 150 3 SOC UND 3
CRIM 201 3 SOC UND 3
COMM 101 3 COM 243 3
MATH 118 3 MATH 120 3
CRIM 211 3 SOC UND 3
CRIM 260 3 SOC UND 3
Total: 60 Credits


At Valparaiso University Credits
Fall 1 – 17 Credit hours
CORE 110 5
SOC 110 3
SOC 275 3
SOC 270 3
SOC 310 3
Spring 1 – 16 Credits
SOC 311 3
THEO 200 3
PSY 201 3
Fall 2 – 13 Credit hours
SOC 386 3
SOC 320 3
THEO 300 3
Spring 2 – 13 Credit hours
SOC 493 3
Total: 59 Credits
Ivy Tech Courses Credits Valparaiso University Courses Credits
Must complete all of the following courses (17 Credits)
ENGL 111 3 ENGL 100 College Composition 3
ENGL 112 3 ENGL Undistributed 3
COMM 101 3 COMM 243 Public Communication 3
MATH 135 or 136 3 MATH 120 Mathematical Ideas 3
PHIL 101 3 PHIL 115 Exerience and Existence 3
IVY 101 1 GS 100 Strategies for Academic Success 1
IVY 103 1 KIN 100/KIN 101 Healthy Lifestyles 1
Natural Sciences: Complete all the following (12 Credits)
CHEM 111 4 CHEM 111 Intro to Chemistry 4
APHY 101 3 Bio 151 Anatomy/Physiology 0
APHY 102 3 Bio 151 Anatomy/Physiology 4
APHY 201 3 Bio 152 Anatomy/Physiology 4
*Must take all 3 to transfer APHY credits
Social Sciences: Select One (3 Credits)
ECON 101 3 ECON Undistributed 3
POLS 101 3 POLS 120 The Government of the US 3
CRIM 101 3 SOC 130 The Criminal Justice System 3
SOCI 111 3 SOC 110 Intro to Sociology 3
Humanities: Select One (3 Credits)
ARTH 101 3 ART 101 Ancient to Medieval Art History 3
ARTH 102 3 ART 102 Renaissance to Mod Art History 3
ARTS 100 3 ART 121 Drawing 3
ARTS 102 3 ART 132 Intro to Design and Digital Media 3
HIST 101 3 HIST 220 American Experience to 1877 3
HIST 102 3 HIST 221 American Exp in the Mod World 3
PHIL 102 3 PHIL 125 The Good Life 3
Other courses you could take in addition to the above:
BIO 210 Micro
PSY 215 Lifespan
BIO 260 Human Nutrition
MATH 200 or PSY 201 Statistical Methods

Ivy Tech/Valparaiso University Dual Admission Partnership

Thank you for your interest in participating in the Ivy Tech Community College (ITCC) and Valparaiso University Dual Admission Partnership (DAP). This partnership has been forged to provide students a seamless transition from an ITCC associate’s degree to a Valparaiso University bachelor’s degree. 

Ivy Tech Dual Admission Request for Information

Ivy Tech Dual Admission Application

Dual Admission Announcement