True global success
The success of our students is a continual source of pride for our entire community. We celebrate our students long after they’ve graduated and moved on from our campus. Read some of the ways Valpo’s alums have led careers with global impact.
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97%Post-graduation employment rate
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85%of pre-med students admitted to medical school
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50%of Valpo grads go on to get a graduate degree

Valpo’s premier academic programs lead to careers in health care, education, nonprofit organizations, manufacturing, engineering, marketing, accounting, and more.

Real-world experience
Valpo students gain a broad range of skills and abilities, including extensive real-world, hands-on learning experiences, increasing their marketability.
We’re here to help. Just contact us. We’ll respond quickly, and we won’t share or sell your information, or send a bunch of emails (unless you want us to).