The ones I like best are the ones
with windows lit up:
"Rooms for Tourists," "House at
In those there is a cool inner glow
at least—
and with it hope of warmth, however
against the shadows of the night
which fall down over everything.
I can imagine the people inside
of them,
solitary, yes, and yet not utterly
perhaps reading or passing slowly
from room to room,
a hairbrush or toothpaste in their
And the phone a silent instrument
on the hall table—
a kind of peace emanating from the
and from the light bulbs overhead
which are overloaded with silence.
The compartments of the houses are
as enclosed
as the berths on an old Pullman
where, as a child, I rocked and
rocked to the round
metal repetitions of the wheels,
not terribly concerned about where
I was going,
the tunnel ahead, the rusted bridge
we might pass over,
or the torn cities beyond it.
© by Patricia Fargnoli