His pupils
are soaked in desire,
float in a crisp January sky,
show no mercy,
even as mine plead
A small gold link
to my heart
lies in the damp crevice
of his supplicant palm,
spiders crawl
up his forearm,
I am level
with his beige linen
abdomen, black leather girdle,
slung low.
"The Ægyptians," he proclaims,
"discovered a most delicate nerve
on the finger anularius,
the only one, indeed,
with a direct line
to our greatest gift:
The Human Heart.
And so with this ring, I thee betroth,
cherished daughter
of our man from Nubia, Anlamani."
He takes my limp hand,
the trembling gold
and withdraws
ever so,
ever so,
ever so
slowly, to applause, but
I flick my hand down,
so that Cupid's cute
little handiwork
tinkles on the ground,
amidst gasps.
My eyes lock his in
and smile.
He has just made
of my greatest gift
an exile.
© by Bernardine Evaristo