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40-Hour B.A. or B.S. in Psychology

This degree option, often chosen by students who plan to pursue graduate study or careers in psychology, offers rigorous training, providing a solid background in the major areas of the discipline. It does not require the student to have any minor or second major.

In addition to the required courses listed below, students are encouraged to take advantage of laboratory research opportunities or field experiences relevant to their areas of interest.


B.A. students in psychology at Valpo must complete the general-education requirements for the B.A.

B.S. students in psychology at Valpo must complete the general-education requirements for the B.S.

This University-wide core strengthens communication and critical thinking skills while introducing students to global cultures and traditions.

Psychology Courses

Core Courses: 12 credits
PSY 102 Introductory Professional Development in Psychology 1.5 credits
PSY 110 General Psychology 3 credits
PSY 201 Statistical Methods 3 credits
PSY 202 Research Methods in Psychology 3 credits
PSY 302 Advanced Professional Development in Psychology 1.5 credits
PSY 493 Senior Seminar 0 credits
Experimental Psychology with Laboratory 7-8 credits
Two courses with laboratory from the following options:
PSY 245/246 Physiological Psychology
Laboratory in Physiological Psychology
3 credits
1 credit
PSY 250/251 Principles and Applications of Learning
Laboratory in Principles and Applications of Learning
3 credits
1 credit
PSY 345/346 Sensation and Perception
Laboratory in Sensation and Perception
3 credits
1 credit
PSY 350/351 Human Cognition
Laboratory in Human Cognition
3 credits
1 credit
PSY 355/356 Environmental Psychology
Laboratory in Environmental Psychology
3 credits
1 credit
PSY 370 Laboratory in Experimental Design & Analysis 3 credits
PSY 475/476 Human Neuropsychology
Laboratory in Human Neuropsychology
3 credits
1 credit
Personality/Social Psychology 3 credits
One course from the following options:
PSY 125 Social Psychology 3 credits
PSY 315 Life Span Development 3 credits
PSY 330 Child and Adolescent Development 3 credits
PSY 332 Psychology of Adulthood and Aging 3 credits
PSY 335 Psychology of Personality 3 credits
Clinical/Applied Psychology 3 credits
One course from the following options:
PSY 235 Abnormal Psychology 3 credits
PSY 260 Psychotherapy and Counseling 3 credits
PSY 270 Introduction to Industrial/Organizational Psychology 3 credits
PSY 445 Community and Health Psychology 3 credits
PSY 465 Psychology and Law 3 credits
PSY 470 Testing and Measurement 3 credits
Capstone Experience (recommended) 1-3 credits
One course from the following options:
PSY 360 History and Systems of Psychology 3 credits
PSY 485 Psychology Practicum: Field Experience 1-3 credits
PSY 495 Independent Research in Psychology 1-3 credits
PSY 496 Independent Study in Psychology 1-3 credits
PSY 499 Psychology Colloquium 1 credit
Electives 14-15 credits
Total At least 40 credits
Additional Required Courses (required for B.S., not required for B.A.) 8 credits
BIO 151 (or higher) Human Anatomy and Physiology I 4 credits
MATH 122 (or higher) Applied Calculus 4 credits