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27-Hour B.S. in Psychology

This degree, designed for students who pursue a second major in a scientific discipline (qualifying disciplines include astronomy, biology, chemistry, computer science, engineering, geography, geology, mathematics, meteorology, and physics), is a popular choice among students who plan to pursue careers in the health professions. In addition to the required courses listed below, students are encouraged to take advantage of laboratory research opportunities or field experiences relevant to their areas of interest.


B.S. students in psychology at Valpo must complete the general-education requirements for the B.S. This University-wide core strengthens communication and critical thinking skills while introducing students to global cultures and traditions.

Psychology Courses

PSY 102Introductory Professional Development in Psychology1.5 credits
PSY 110General Psychology3 credits
PSY 111Lab in General Experimental Psychology1 credit
PSY 201Statistical Methods3 credits
PSY 202Research Methods in Psychology3 credits
PSY 302Advanced Professional Development in Psychology1.5 credits
PSY 493Senior Seminar0 credits
Foundational Core Areas12 credits
Four courses from the following options:
PSY 215Life Span Development3 credits
PSY 225Social Psychology3 credits
PSY 235Abnormal Psychology3 credits
PSY 245*Physiological Psychology3 credits
PSY 350*Human Cognition3 credits
Writing and Research2-8 credits
Two courses from the following options:
PSY 245/246Physiological Psychology
Laboratory in Physiological Psychology
3 credits
1 credit
PSY 250/251Principles and Applications of Learning
Laboratory in Principles and Applications of Learning
3 credits
1 credit
PSY 345/346Sensation and Perception
Laboratory in Sensation and Perception
3 credits
1 credit
PSY 350/351Human Cognition
Laboratory in Human Cognition
3 credits
1 credit
PSY 370Laboratory in Experimental Design & Analysis3 credits
PSY 375/376Human Neuropsychology
Laboratory in Human Neuropsychology
3 credits
1 credit
Additional Required Course:
BIO 151Human Anatomy and Physiology4 credits

*Course may also be used to partially fulfill the laboratory requirement.